Workshops & Groups
We believe wellness involves continually learning and being open to new experiences through which understanding and awareness can be achieved. Meeting times offered in the mornings and evenings. Class size is limited to 15 people.
Practical Spirituality
Date and time: TBS
Spirituality is different for each one of us. In this 8-week group, we
will share our thoughts and experiences exploring topics such as
forgiveness, faith, hope, awareness, humility and more through
practices such as guided visualization, rituals, art, and group discussion. Bring your ideas and favorite practices to share on this
journey into personal and practical spirituality.
Cost: $160.00 paid in full or $30.00 per group session
Exploring the Second Half of Life
Contact Laura for start date
Embark on an inner journey; experience a deeper meaning to life; connect with others as we share our experiences through the many dimensions of aging. This 8-week group is for individuals who want to explore the second half of life and share their concerns, challenges, surprises, joys and
Cost: $160.00 paid in full or $30.00 per group session
Writing your Legacy Letter
Date and time TBD
A Legacy Letter is a personal letter for your loved ones written from the heart. Taking time to reflect on our life experiences and put into words our beliefs, our values and our wisdom can have a healing effect on our lives. Writing a legacy letter is not therapy, but it can be therapeutic. In the process of writing and sharing from the deepest part of ourselves, we can make a difference in the lives of those we love. 3 Week Group
Cost: $60.00 paid in full
Grief Support Group
Next group will be scheduled soon.
This 6-week group offers you a place to tell your story, connect with others, get emotional support, and learn about the complexity of the grieving experience. We will cover common emotional and physical reaction to grief; what to expect when you are grieving; how to handle other people’s reactions; what is helpful and what is not helpful during this difficult time.
Past Groups & Workshops
Writing Your Legacy Letter
Finding Balance in 2022-Setting Goals that Work
Stress Management
Self-Care for Caregivers
Grief Support
Exploring the Second Half of Life
Practical Spirituality
Contact Laura at 828-989-1230 or email at for more information on Workshops & Groups